Day: March 11, 2022

Stalag Luft III

This is a remake of Stalag Luft III me and my friend created. Stalag Luft III was a prison for captured civilians during World War II. One of the prisoners names was Johnny who was a pilot, he planned to escape along with 600 men although only 3 made it out and 73 men were captured including Johnny. The 73 men were then taken to a town to be shot.

What are you taking and Why are you taking it?

As I’m running from my house that’s been destroyed I stand still and shout for my parents, hoping I would get a response. I remember my most precious memory. The day my sister was born. It gives me courage as I then feel that I’m not alone. The feeling of warmth suddenly hits me. It was the same feeling of my parents hugs. I let out a tear, as I will always remember this to keep me going.