Category: Hanga | Create

Arlo and the Orca

A collaborative poem written by all of Room 8. This poem instead expresses our feelings about sadness, looking through the eyes of Arlo from ‘Arlo and the Orca’ by Monique Walker.

 Cold tears dripping on your face.
 Water and cold air.
  Tears running down your face.
Like a cold gust of wind.
You are no one.
Tears dropping out of your eyes.
Into the ocean..
Salty tears.
You’ve had enough.
Crying salty tears and sweat.
Bitter feelings of guilt, depression and regret.
Sadness is blue, a rainy day.


Throughout the middle of the story, Arlo was feeling down. In an act of sadness and frustration, he ran outside to the ocean in the heavy, stormy rain… the ocean was his most favourite place. 

The Life Cycle of a Mosquito

Elephant mosquitoes are really interesting! They don’t need blood to survive, instead they live off juices from plants. They even help get rid of the blood-sucking mosquitoes. When elephant mosquito larvae’s attack their prey, they extend their head then reattach it when they have their pointy teeth in their preys flesh.

Arlo and the Orca



A collaborative poem written by all of Room 8. This poem expresses our feelings about anger, looking through the eyes of Arlo from ‘Arlo and the Orca’ by Monique Walker.

Anger feels like letting your rage out.
A clenched fist.
Blood, salty sweat.
Growling and yelling.
Rough and hot.
Like a red face.
Anger smells like danger.
Like air.
Shouting and screaming.
Painful and hurtful.
Madness and crazy actions of destruction.
Like smoke.
Burning coal.
A fire raging and growing limitlessly
Anger is the emotion you want to show or not.
It starts when we get upset about something.


This week Monique and Stacey came to class and presented Monique’s book. We learnt that it’s ok to cry and that life can be moody and stormy with waves of emotion BUT to remember the sun will always come back and shine.

Room 8 thanks Monique and Stacey for sharing their wonderful book and sharing their fun activities with us. We would also like to thank Jessie and Catherine for sharing their beautiful dance with us! We would love to do this again!

2022 Poem

I will miss the classroom.
My chaotic classmates.
My weird and unpredictable friends.
My kind and welcoming teachers.
The people who strive to do their best.
I will miss the people in this class.
I will miss everything.


Fake Facts Table

False information spreads quickly throughout the internet, sometimes the information is used as jokes, clickbait or to harm someone. People have trouble thinking what is true or false, and sometimes we fall for their lies. Remembering these three categories can help us figure out what kind of information we found really is.